When the piss bubblres burst, they make ripples in the toilet water.
0 please, just don't hurt the guitars.
Why does it stop? but The Pisstaker digresses....
Ah, another martini night. Not quite two in a row, but about s close as can be. Mhph.
OK, looks like The Pisstaker is obliged to "wing it", (so He is told). The notes have been misplaced. Mhph.
The storm clouds gather on the easternhorizon. An erstwhile copilot descends upon Jackson. Saints preserve us, saints preserve us. Stand by for further details.
Why are there no decent fucking drugs in this town (outside of the herb, which is amazing)? All one hears is how much opia Afghanistan is pumping into the market. Yeah? Where's fucking mine? Fuckers. It's all them fucking Russians hoogging it all. Fuckers. Mhph.
OK, this week's award. Goes to...wait for it...The Ski Prophet. Yes, tis despicable shitheel implied that skiers can't act. (Or was it that actors can't ski?) Shitheel.
OK, form up on your wingman and carry on.