Mr. Nik definitely got the worst of the last rubber band war. He did actually go for the head shot, which certainly earned some balls points, but I landed way more lethal shots to the chest cavity and groin. Good, spirited combat with lots of lingering welts. You haven't lived 'til you've been on the receiving end of a rubber band shot from the muzzle of a truly inspired rubber band marksman. Fucker. Ha!
The Pisstaker spends far too much time brushing His teeth and washing dishes. The Pisstaker is going to begin hurling His dirty dishes through the evil neighbor's window. He is going to let His mouth fester and stink. Then he's going to get even drunker.
This week's award! Hurrah for this week's award! It is a very special award this week. It is a "joint" award. This week's award goes to...wait for it...All the motherfuckers in Jackson who complain about snow! Fuck y'all, seriously. Anyone who doesn't like snow and lives in Jackson has , by definition, some major fuckin issues. Take this ball and run with it, Gump, cause y'all sure deserve it more than anyone ever did.
They say we're all actors. They say we're all acting, all the time. But I'm acting differently.
If you haven't already, you shits and cunts, you must try the Samuel Adams Noble Pils. They really nailed this one. washes down the $11 bourbon very nicely indeed.
If anyone in this town knows where to score bulk heroin, please contact The Pisstaker discreetly.
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