Monday, July 25, 2011

Vol II, issue i

It just isn't that big of a whoop. Don't gitcher panties in a knot.

Miserable fucking suummer. Even here in Cloudcuckooland the pain...becomes intolerable. [Heliuuuuuuuuuuuuuum!] My only remaining pleasure is dubitable.

Mr. Nik left a liter og shitty Vodka in the freezer. Damn your eyes, Mr. Nik. this is good for at least this week's award. Give it up for Mr. Nik! For leaving a liter of shitty vodka in the freezer.

So, The Pisstaker says this Norsky fucker got nothing on US. Deadliest domestic terrorist gun attack? Oh, and how long will it take Homespun totop that shit? maybe thirty motherfucking seconds, Jack. Bitch. Sitcha 2 dollar ass down fo I make change, bitch.

OK, things are getting weird now. In the jungle the lion sleeps tonight. I don't know, i don't know.

I guess it just isn't that big of a whoop.

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